The Funky Flutist presents…

An Interactive Flute Program for Joy & Healing


Robyn Bellospirito, The Funky Flutist, is an artist, musician, and stroke survivor. Her unique healing journey has motivated and inspired her to provide fellow stroke survivors and others with an experience of the healing power of music.

“I notice how music helps me express myself in a non-verbal way and gives me a greater sense of peace and wellbeing. My own journey as a peer has brought me to share these benefits with fellow stroke survivors and others of varying abilities in my unique interactive musical program. Together we explore hearing and learning improvised Native American-style flute playing, vocals, and percussion.”


During my program, participants have an opportunity to:

Play along/sing along in any way they are able

Experiment with small percussion instruments that are provided

Learn to improvise vocalizations, transcending language to express what they feel

Simply listen and experience how the music affects them

Robyn, The Funky Flutist, is available to bring you her healing musical program to meet the needs of those you serve! Contact her today at: bellspirit @ gmail dot com to discuss and plan your program.